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Kanye West ft Mr Hudson

(com participação especial de Rihanna)

[Vídeo fresquinho, fresquinho]

Why are you so paranoid?
Don’t be so paranoid.
Don’t be so

Kanye West
Baby don’t worry bout it
Hey there don’t even think about it
You worry bout the wrong things
The wrong things
You worry bout the wrong things
The wrong things
You worry bout the wrong things
The wrong things
You worry bout the wrong things
The wrong things

Kanye West
Tell me right now you really wanna spend your whole life alone?
A little time out might do you good, might do us good fore we be done for good.
Coz I can make it good I can make it hood I can make you come I can make you go
I can make it high I can make it fly make you touch the sky hey maybe so
All the time you be up in my checking through my cellphone baby no
You wanna kill the vibe on another night? Here’s another fight
Oh here we go
Oh here we go

Baby don’t worry bout it
Lady we’ll go out to the floor

Mr Hudson
Anyway they don’t know you (They don’t know) like I do
They’ll never know (Never Know) you
Anyway they don’t know you (Never Know) like I do
They’ll never know you
Kanye West lyrics - Paranoid on www.lyrics-celebrities.anekatips.com

Kanye West
All of the time you wanna complain about the nights alone
So now you’re here with me show some gratitude leave the attitude way back at home
Yeah you see em look baby let em look give you cold looks cuz we look cold
Yeah you heard about all the word of mouth don’t worry about what we can’t control
All the talk in the world lost in the world til you finally let that thing go
You wanna check into the heartbreak hotel but sorry we’re closed.

Baby don’t worry bout it
Baby we’ll go out to the floor

Mr Hudson
Anyway (hey) they don’t know you like I do
(hey) They’ll never know (Never Know) you
Anyway they don’t know you (They don’t know) like I do
They’ll never know you

Kanye West
Baby don’t worry about it
Baby don’t even think about it
You worry bout the wrong things
The wrong things
You worry bout the wrong things
The wrong things
You worry bout the wrong things
The wrong things
You worry bout the wrong thing

Mr Hudson
Anyway they don’t know you like I do
They’ll never know you
Anyway they don’t know you like I do
They’ll never know you

Anyway they don’t know you like I do
They’ll never know you
Anyway they don’t know you like I do
They’ll never know you

Luís Gonçalves Ferreira


  1. Adoro esta música. Gosto muito de Kanye e esta é das minhas preferidas do "808s And Heartbreaks".
    Paranóia geral :b


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